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Our impact

We’re driven by an overarching imperative. To drive decisive action at the speed and scale required to dramatically reduce climate pollution this decade. And our collaborative model is already proving successful.

We focus on unlocking two to three challenges at any one time, and work on shorter timescales – usually two to four years – meaning we work at speed and focus on impact. We aim to embrace the unknown to lay the groundwork for solutions, and build lasting connections to get the job done.

For eighteen months, we worked to drive momentum for greener steel, aligning civil society and engaging investor groups to push this issue up the agenda in South Korea, Japan and India. We’re particularly proud of progress in India, where the Ministry of Steel has made a public commitment to accelerating steel decarbonisation.

“The partnership with Climate Catalyst was very valuable as they helped us coordinate with other players in the ecosystem beyond Corporate Leaders Group Europe’s network. The project with Climate Catalyst has helped deepen the engagement between business and the NGO, policy and science communities.”

Ursula Woodburn
Corporate Leaders Group Europe

Our first ever area of focus was protecting and restoring Europe’s peatlands – an unsung climate hero. Over the 18 months we worked on this issue we successfully catalyzed action for ambitious policy change in the EU, under the banner of the Nature Restoration Law.

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