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Climate catalyst

Sparking collective action for a just and prosperous world for people and nature

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“With their profound knowledge in campaigning, Climate Catalyst springboarded our social media campaign on the rewetting of peatlands to stop them from emitting greenhouse gases, something we would not have been able to do without them.”

Hans von Sonntag

“Working with Climate Catalyst on our study of green public procurement of steel across India, Japan, and Korea was a great experience. Their support not only funded our project but also brought fresh insights that really pushed our work forward and helped to engage with the right stakeholders in these countries.”

Ali Hasanbeigi
Global Efficiency Intelligence

Climate Catalyst is thankful for the generous support from our funders, including the SkyLine Foundation. We would also like to thank The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for its support of our steel decarbonisation work in Asia, and ClimateWorks for its support of our work tackling aviation’s climate impact in Europe.

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